Capturing the Creativity of the Creator


Not So Little Anymore [sarasota county portrait photographer]

I blinked.  And all of a sudden she’s 4.5 going on 15.  I just wanted to get a feel for what it was like to do a portrait session at a marina – with all the colors and textures – taking advantage of this Florida coast.

And I needed a model.  So naturally I had to go shopping to get my model a new dress….a twirly one – and she borrowed my hat.   The only thing that mattered to her was that she could put lip gloss on (go figure).

It was the first time that I could give her specific directions that she could follow.  She had fun and I couldn’t believe what i was seeing.  (I had very low expectations for my 1.5 year old – she was gonna do what she wanted when she wanted)  But my oldest…she surprised me.

She’s not so little anymore.  Her expressions were cracking me up. Her heart is tender and her thoughts are deep…and we are just beginning to understand and encourage her little spirit.

Jenni Chase